The following tutorial’s requires the user to have access to a computer and Adobe Illustrator software.
The following set of tutorials cover aspects of Illustrator which are suitable for beginners including the clipping tool, the effects tool and the copy and effects tool.
The tutorial includes:
Printable tutorials
Overview sheet
Images needed
This tutorial is suitable for key stage 3 and 4 pupils and is aimed at Graphic Products, Graphic Design, Media Studies and ICT.
These tutorials can be used together for the user to design and create their own vector logo for several creative subjects
The boat project is a resistant materials project designed mainly for year 10 pupils but can be used for KS3 or KS4 pupils. This project is a skills based activity to teach pupils how to use tools in the workshop safely as well as teaching them basic wood working skills which are needed when developing the subject knowledge leading up to GCSE resistant materials.
In the project the user will create a wooden boat and high impact polystyrene flags and sails using step by step guides and tutorials.
This tutorial has curriculum links with maths with regard to the marking out and measuring accurately.
The tutorial includes:
A3 display worksheets.
A4 booklet worksheets.
Power point tutorial.
2D design boat steering wheel template.
Exemplar product photo’s.
Assessment sheets.
The following tutorial requires the user to have access to a computer and Adobe Illustrator software.
The tutorial covers aspects of Illustrator which are suitable for beginners and intermediate users.
The tutorial includes:
Printable instructions
Overview sheet
Finished example
This tutorial is suitable for High School students and is aimed at Graphic Products, Graphic Design, Media Studies and ICT.
This tutorial can also be used alongside other Illustrator tutorials to gain further knowledge of the software.
This is a visual learning resource which can be printed off and displayed in the classroom and links in with the use of ICT and Media for all exam boards.
No prior knowledge of the software is needed to complete the tutorial and the main objective of this tutorial is to teach an individual or a class to become familiar with a software and to be able to create their own logo’s which can be printed out on several different surfaces.
The following resource is a distinction level of Unit 2 learning aim B, Use mathematical techniques to solve construction problems
The Publisher file covers the following criteria:
Apply algebraic and graphical methods to solve two different practical construction problems. 2 2B.P3
Apply mensuration and trigonometry to solve two different practical construction problems. 2 2B.P4
Solve a practical construction problem using trigonometric, mensuration and algebraic methods. 2 2B.M3
Justify the application of algebraic and graphical methods, mensuration and trigonometry to solve a practical construction problem. 2 2B.D2
This resource is to be used to support the learning of students and allowing them access to the relevant information to achieve a distinction in this unit.
This tutorial will requires access to a computer with Adobe Illustrator software.
The following tutorials cover aspects of Illustrator which are suitable for beginners including the shapes tool, the offset path tool and the gradient tool etc.
The tutorial includes:
Printable tutorial
Overview sheet
This tutorial is suitable for key stage 3 and 4 pupils and is aimed at Graphic Products, Graphic Design, Media Studies and ICT.
It’s ideal to show the user how different computer based graphics are created like apps for a phone or computer tablet.
This is a visual learning resource which can be printed off and displayed in the classroom and links in with the use of ICT and Media for all exam boards.
No prior knowledge of the software is needed, as the main objective of this tutorial is to teach an individual or a class to become familiar with a software and to be able to create vector logo’s which can be printed off in several different methods without losing its quality.
The Welsh Board Graphics revision guide is a document which covers the whole syllabus for Graphics in one manageable document.
The guide includes all topics which are included in the exam with extensive information plus practice questions.
The following tutorial requires the user to have access to a computer and Adobe Illustrator software.
The tutorial covers aspects of Illustrator which are suitable for beginners and intermediate users.
The tutorial includes:
Printable instructions
Overview sheet
This tutorial is suitable for key stage 3 and 4 pupils and is aimed at Graphic Products, Graphic Design, Media Studies and ICT.
This tutorial can also be used alongside other Illustrator tutorials to gain further knowledge of the software.
This is a visual learning resource which can be printed off and displayed in the classroom and links in with the use of ICT and Media for all exam boards.
No prior knowledge of the software is needed to complete the tutorial and the main objective of this tutorial is to teach an individual or a class to become familiar with a software and to be able to create their own logo’s which can be printed out on several different surfaces.
The following tutorial requires the user to have access to a computer and Adobe Illustrator software.
The tutorial covers aspects of Illustrator which are suitable for beginners and intermediate users.
The tutorial includes:
Printable instructions
Overview sheet
This tutorial is suitable for key stage 3 and 4 pupils and is aimed at Graphic Products, Graphic Design, Media Studies and ICT.
This tutorial can also be used alongside other Illustrator tutorials to gain further knowledge of the software.
This is a visual learning resource which can be printed off and displayed in the classroom and links in with the use of ICT and Media for all exam boards.
No prior knowledge of the software is needed to complete the tutorial and the main objective of this tutorial is to teach an individual or a class to become familiar with a software and to be able to create their own logo’s which can be printed out on several different surfaces.
The following Photoshop tutorial requires the user to have access to a computer and Adobe Photoshop software.
The tutorial covers aspects of Photoshop which are suitable for beginners including the pen tool and the use of textures.
The tutorial includes:
Printable instructions
Image needed
Finished example (which can be edited)
Texture needed
This tutorial is aimed mainly at age 14 to 18 and is suitable for Graphic Products, Graphic Design, Media Studies and ICT.
This tutorial can also be used alongside other Photoshop tutorials to gain further knowledge of the software.
The following tutorial requires the user to have access to a computer and Adobe Illustrator software.
The tutorial covers aspects of Illustrator which are suitable for beginners including the live Text tool, the shapes tool and the effects options.
The tutorial includes:
Printable instructions
Overview sheet
This tutorial is suitable for key stage 3 and 4 pupils and is aimed at Graphic Products, Graphic Design, Media Studies and ICT.
This tutorial can also be used alongside other Illustrator tutorials to gain further knowledge of the software.
This is a visual learning resource which can be printed off and displayed in the classroom and links in with the use of ICT and Media for all exam boards.
No prior knowledge of the software is needed to complete the tutorial and the main objective of this tutorial is to teach an individual or a class to become familiar with a software and to be able to create their own logo’s which can be printed out on several different surfaces.
The storage project is a Resistant Materials/Product Design project which is suitable to use at key stage 3. (used for year 8) The project gives pupils a selection of design briefs giving them the opportunity to create a storage device of their choice using a template or instructions given. This project though gives pupils the opportunity to work independently and creatively as they can adapt the examples shown and the instruction given.
The project includes:
Project booklet (including A3 insert pages)
Homework booklet
Lesson 1 PowerPoint (intro to the project)
Specification PowerPoint
Generating Ideas PowerPoint
Developing ideas PowerPoint
Design the Lid PowerPoint
Practical instructions PowerPoint.
The PowerPoint's created give teachers the ability to show pupils exemplar work with success criteria and a mark scheme. All the PowerPoint's created are for levelled pieces of work within the project.
The following tutorial requires the user to have access to a computer and Adobe Illustrator software.
The tutorial covers aspects of Illustrator which are suitable for beginners and intermediate users.
The tutorial includes:
Printable instructions
Overview sheet
Finished example
This tutorial is suitable for key stage 3 and 4 pupils and is aimed at Graphic Products, Graphic Design, Media Studies and ICT.
This tutorial can also be used alongside other Illustrator tutorials to gain further knowledge of the software.
This is a visual learning resource which can be printed off and displayed in the classroom and links in with the use of ICT and Media for all exam boards.
No prior knowledge of the software is needed to complete the tutorial and the main objective of this tutorial is to teach an individual or a class to become familiar with a software and to be able to create their own logo’s which can be printed out on several different surfaces.
The following tutorial requires the user to have access to a computer and Adobe Photoshop software.
The tutorial covers aspects of Photoshop which are suitable for beginners including the pen tool, the magic wand tool, gradient tool, paint bucket tool, text tool and using different effects.
The tutorial includes:
4 printable tutorials
Images needed
Project overview
This tutorial is aimed mainly at age 13 to 18 and is suitable for Graphic Products, Graphic Design, Media Studies and ICT.
This is a set of 4 tutorials which together make up the final image.
This is a visual learning resource which can be printed off and displayed in the classroom and links in with the use of ICT in the GCSE graphic products syllabus for all exam boards.
The following tutorial requires the user to have access to a computer and Adobe Illustrator software.
The tutorial covers aspects of Illustrator which are suitable for beginners including the live trace tool, the shapes tool and the effects options.
The tutorial includes:
Printable instructions
Image needed
Overview sheet
This tutorial is suitable for key stage 3 and 4 pupils and is aimed at Graphic Products, Graphic Design, Media Studies and ICT.
This tutorial can also be used alongside other Illustrator tutorials to gain further knowledge of the software.
This is a visual learning resource which can be printed off and displayed in the classroom and links in with the use of ICT and Media for all exam boards.
No prior knowledge of the software is needed to complete the tutorial and the main objective of this tutorial is to teach an individual or a class to become familiar with a software.
The following resource is a distinction level of Unit 2 learning aim A, The use of Science In Construction.
The PowerPoint covers the following criteria:
Explain the action and effects of forces on three different construction materials applying scientific and mathematical principles. 2 2A.P1
Explain the effects of temperature change on three different materials used in construction, applying scientific principles. 2 2A.P2
Discuss how two different construction materials behave under load in practical construction contexts. 2 2A.M1
Discuss how two different construction materials behave under load in practical construction contexts. 2 2A.M2
Evaluate two different construction materials in terms of their behaviour under load and their response to changes in temperature in practical construction contexts. 2 2A.D1.
This resource is to be used to support the learning of students and allowing them access to the relevant information to achieve a distinction in this unit.
Wildlife Housing project,
Pupils to design and make a small house for garden wildlife eg: bird house butterfly box.
Contains a powerpoint template to make up two types of boxes.
The roofs are made using 2D design and the templates cannot be uploaded